Work Starts on Rebuilding the Slipway at Pontywaun

Slipway progress July 2023 showing clay dams in the canal
Slipway progress 23rd July 2023 showing clay dams

MBACT are pleased to report that work has commenced at the Hall’s Road Terrace slipway. We reported previously that contractors appointed by Caerphilly CBC were due start on 17th July.

You can find our previous post here : Pontywaun Slipway to be rebuilt

The canal needs to be drained at this point to allow the slipway to be built. So far contractors have set up a fenced off work area, temporarily diverted the towpath, formed clay dams in the canal channel, and installed pumps and a pipe to carry water across this section of canal when drained.

We look forward to its completion is a few weeks time. It will be great to see boat activity on this section of canal again.