Further to our previous news post about CRT holding a drop-in session at Goytre Wharf.
CRT are asking for comments, or letters of support to be sent to Clare Parsons at CRT. See below.
The proposed design can be viewed/downloaded by clicking on the image below. The document is a PDF file.
Goytre Wharf – Canal and River Trust Proposal for accessible ramp to the towpath.
The Canal and River Trust would like to improve access at Goytre Wharf by building a new ramp to the Towpath. The current ramp is very steep and impossible for some users and off-putting to many others. This is particularly unfortunate as the towpath offers level surfaced access in both directions, ideally for easy exercise in the open countryside throughout the year.
The proposed ramp would zig-zag up at a gentle gradient to enable more people access to the towpath, including by wheelchair, and make the walk to the towpath easier for everyone, including those with pushchairs, children’s and tag-along bikes. The Canal and River Trust is pursuing Welsh Government Community Facilities Programme funding to help make this happen, and has been invited to make a full application for a mid May deadline.
Please email any letters of support by 12th May to Clare Parsons Enterprise Manager clare.parsons@canalrivertrust.org.uk
Edit 14th April 2021: location map and updated design document provided by CRT